Ditch the manual sorting, matching, and double handling. Say hello to a done-for-you solution.

The Synnch way

😄 Automated and time saving with

Automatically upload your claim to populate Synnch with your projects and activities in seconds.
Integrate and authenticate Jira with ease using OAuth 2.0, and choose to match your data with an existing Jira project, filter or JQL query.
R&D Record finder will read your Jira issues and look for matches within the activities described in your R&D project.
R&D Record finder will generate an AI ‘relevance summary’ for each match to explain the relationship between the issue, and the selected core activity.
R&D Record finder will summarise all matched tickets and push the output to as a secure R&D record logged against your project in Synnch.

Safeguard compliance by matching Jira issues with R&D activities.

The most common cause of audit in software claims is failing to separate R&D tax activities from business-as-usual software development. The main blocker when attempting this is understanding which epics, stories, and other issues in Jira are eligible R&D activities. R&D Record Finder solves this problem using advanced AI to read and match the activities in your R&D claim with the issues in your Jira backlog.

Save time with AI-generated record summaries.

Product Owners and Senior Developers are already weighed down with the creation and review of high volumes of technical documentation, so adding R&D tax recordkeeping to their workload is not practical.  

R&D Record Finder uses advanced AI to generate written R&D tax records summarising the link and relevance between your Jira issues and the R&D activities in your claim. Summaries can be generated for one or many issues, or even whole Jira projects, for any date range.

Build better products by understanding what is eligible, versus what isn’t.

With R&D Record Finder you’ll not only find the R&D within your software development. You’ll also gain valuable insight into the R&D ROI of every product, leading to more informed decisions and more impactful outcomes when prioritising future sprint cycles.

R&D software claim preparation
has never been easier.

R&D software claim preparation has never been easier.

Claim Upload
Automated Matching
AI Generated Summaries
Human Checkpoints
Workflow Automation

It’s time to ditch the spreadsheet.